InMission.orgbyMissionWhen to Quit and When to Double DownDo I quit, keep going, or double down?Feb 23, 201813Feb 23, 201813
CarmellitaAh yes, we call it guilt, but it is FOMO or the fear of missing out.The thing is when we jump to what we think is the next best thing, we get into the habit of not finishing things and the habit of not…Nov 1, 2022Nov 1, 2022
InSpeaking BipolarbyScott NinnemanHow to Overcome Shiny Object SyndromeTips to help you stay focused.Sep 7, 20221Sep 7, 20221
InILLUMINATIONbyRrahul AnanddWhy Side Hustles Are the New Shiny Object Syndrome?The problem is not the hustle but the way you do it.Jun 22, 202112Jun 22, 202112
InThe StartupbyCarly BarrettThe Science of Shiny Object Syndrome and Why You’re so DistractedYour body and brain are constantly looking for the “hit” that comes from uninformed optimism.May 13, 20215May 13, 20215
InCuriousbyCarmellitaShiny Object Syndrome — The Next Big Thing May Not Be Your Best MoveYou see a sparkle, glint, shimmer from the corner of your eye. You veer off the path of your goals and dreams to explore what this shiny…Oct 20, 202248Oct 20, 202248